Tuesday, August 9, 2016

The Blue Ridge Boot Scoot

The first annual Blue Ridge Boot scoot was amazing and a huge success!  We all survived the mosquitos, dirt roads, rain, broken bikes, hill climbing, and even a coupe wrecks! The first night, the crew left from Charlotte, NC and headed to the Blue Ridge Mtns of NC.  When we thought we had arrived at our campsite, little did we know that we still had to ride down an 8 mile dirt road in the rain... The next day we rode the blue...

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Born Free 8 Bike

It was truly an honor being asked to build a bike among some of the best builders in the world at Born Free 8. We ended up winning an award called the "Founders Pick." Which as an award picked by the creators of Born Free as their favorite bike. More pics coming soon! Captured by our friend Rob Price. ...