Thursday, January 31, 2013

Neck Tube

Jake finished machining the neck for the Ironhead frame. It's machined to hold the bearing seats, so bearing cups are not necessary. Stay tuned for the beginnings of the one-off frame. ...

Monday, January 28, 2013

BCM Born Free Velocity Stacks

Back in 2012 we got the opportunity to make velocity stacks for Kim Boyle's cafe inspired Norton. Boyle Custom Moto does some amazing work and builds killer bikes. Go check his stuff out at ...

Thursday, January 24, 2013

New Project

We have started a ground up build. Goal is to have it done and take it to Born Free 5. Zach is building a frame around a '68 Ironhead and making a one off narrow springer. The beginnings of the build are shown below. Jake turned down and cleaned up a stock cast rear wheel, which will eventually go out for powder coating.  ...

Shop Cleanup

Took all day, but it had to be done. Clean and reorganized. Check out the before and after shot of shop cleanup day. ...

Monday, January 21, 2013


During our trip to the Brooklyn Invitational a couple of us (Josh and Aaron) wound up in the slammer. To make a long story short, we were on the subway and Josh got approach by two undercover cops. After macing many of us and about 12 of Brooklyns finest, Josh and Aaron got hauled off. Apparently it's illegal to put your feet in the seats on a subway. They were released after 24 hours with no charges, just in time to miss the show. Aaron came down...

An Introduction

Prism Motorcycle Co. from Rob Russell on Vimeo. If you havent already, check out the video Rob Russell put together for us. Be on the lookout for another video in the near future of our 2013 plans....